YAMABUSHI: 6- Month Residency Program Forest Warrior Focusing on Primitive Skills

March-August Bozeman, MT Cost $6500

Course Description

Spend 6 months focusing on the primitive skills of your choice, in a small community of like-minded people. “Yamabushi”, or forest warrior monks, were a loose group of ancient people, from per-recorded history. They were known for spending extended periods of time alone in the wilderness. They sought enlightenment through a deep understanding of nature, and self. The Yamabushi were masters of survival, known for their arduous lifestyle, extreme feats of endurance, and their skill with the bow, and the lance.

The Yamabushi residency program is designed to be experience based, hands-on, and in-depth. Learning a skill, and then going out into wilderness, and using that skill. On the first day of class, the limited number of students collectively decides which skills we will focus on for the 6 months. Each individual in the program, getting to work on the skills of their choice. Primitive wilderness survival, awareness, and tracking, will be focused on, and lived, for 6 straight months. Class is taught three days a week, three weeks a month, plus extended trips, in the greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, outside of Bozeman, Montana.  With travel periodically to other locations, and ecosystems. Bill Mcconnell is the primary instructor, with visiting experts, for certain skills. If you are a dedicated individual, that wants to live the primal life, then Yamabushi is the program for you.